Get to the Point

Improve Your Communication

To ensure your thoughts and ideas are properly communicated you need to constantly improve your writing skills. The book Get to the Point by Elizabeth Danziger is an excellent reference to ensure simple and clear writing. Danziger offers multiple recommendations to become a better writer.

Typical techniques for improved writing, such as breathing, exercising, and reviewing sources are within the book. In addition, Danziger focuses on key areas to plan your writing. Planning is the most critical area to successful writing. The author focuses on three Ps. The three Ps are purpose, person, and point.


The Three Ps

Identifying your purpose, targeting your reader, and clarifying your main point are three critical elements for successful writing. Outlining the key points allows you to get your thoughts on paper. Once your outline is developed you should put each idea onto Post-its. Putting each idea onto a single Post-it allows you to rearrange the ideas to ensure they are properly organized. The author also provides key tips for improved writing. Once you carefully detail the three Ps you can move forward to the actual writing.


Simplicity and Clarity

Danziger provides multiple recommendations for improved writing. The important part is for simplicity and clarity. Some key tips are using the active voice, avoiding complicated words, and leveraging verbs in place of boring nouns. Most of what is in the book is nothing new. However, Danziger focuses on easy-to-apply techniques which anyone can improve in a very easy-to-understand flow. The more your writing improves, the more your audience will understand your message, your ideas and recommendations will be followed, and you will get more respect within your organization. Like anything, practice will improve your skills. Get into the habit of writing daily and adopting Danziger’s recommendations.