EP# 049: No Time Like the Present

As the lock-downs and self-quarantines continue, you should not be wasting this once in a lifetime opportunity to improve your mind, body and spirit. For many of us who are working from home, it is time to start preparing for when this horrible event is over and we can get back to some sense of normalcy. Don't waste this opportunity. Work to become the best you can be. Focus on excellence, adding value, and developing new ideas to improve yourself and your organization. Become a source of hope and inspiration within your teams. Focus on positivity and driving excellence. Think how you can come out of this closer to your customers and be the only choice. Zig while others zag, or are frozen by fear. Be the one everyone can count on to move forward, successfully. Times are scary, but we will get out of this. Make sure you are the one who is ready. Don't follow, lead.


Artist: Scott Holmes

Album: Road Trip

Track: Indie Rock