SCAMPER is an excellent creative thinking tool. This easy-to-learn and easy-to-use tool helps you develop novel ways to reimagine a product or process rather than recycling the same old “ingredients” (Johnson, 2010). SCAMPER allows you to rearrange existing variables into new combinations (Basadur, 1995). The SCAMPER mnemonic stands for: Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse.

This great tool allows you to think creatively using multiple perspectives to improve products, develop solutions to problems, or expand new ideas (Michalko, 1991). Encourage coworkers to apply SCAMPER throughout the organization for continuous improvement (e.g., develop new expense forms, create new ways to conduct a product launch, improve ways to interact with customers).

SCAMPER is an effective way to examine a current product or one in development, either as a whole or toward each specific element. For example, you can conduct a SCAMPER exercise on an entire motorcycle or on the individual suspension, brakes, chassis, or engine components.

Use SCAMPER by yourself or with coworkers. SCAMPER will force you to move outside of traditional thinking patterns and find new connections (often between unrelated items) to develop new and innovative ideas and solutions. Expand each element of SCAMPER with questions. The following are examples of questions for each element of the mnemonic.

The following example uses SCAMPER to create new ideas for a bicycle. This example has substituted pedals with an engine, combined the bicycle with a generator to charge electronics, adapted the bicycle to clean dishes as you pedal (no electricity needed), and modified the frame using bamboo instead of steel. Other changes were to put the bicycle to another use and help power water pumps in African villages, one fork leg was eliminated to reduce weight, and the driven sprocket position was reversed (installed on the front wheel instead of the rear wheel).

SCAMPER is a great way to develop many new ideas quickly. Practice and get comfortable using SCAMPER, then share with coworkers to help develop a creative organizational culture

Cannondale’s Lefty

A great application of SCAMPER is the Cannondale bicycle company’s Lefty front fork, used on mountain and road bicycles. Unlike traditional bicycle designs (two-legged front fork), Cannondale’s design removed the right fork leg (hence the “Lefty” moniker) . Though some motorcycles had used a single front fork leg or single-sided swingarm in the rear, no bicycle company had done something so radical. The Lefty reduced weight and added improved flexibility and performance. Though many people were skeptical (and worried the fork leg would break), the Lefty slowly caught on as factory racers began winning races and championships. By changing perspectives on what a typical bicycle design was and thinking about how to create differentiation and improve performance, Cannondale disrupted the industry and changed the way people thought about how companies should design a bicycle.


Basadur, M. (1995). The power of innovation: How to make innovation a way of life and put creative solutions to work. Pitman Publishing

Johnson, S. (2010). Where good ideas come from. Riverheads Books

Michalko, M. (1991). Thinkertoys. Ten Speed Press